Korifaeus Magazine

••• The Big Brother's, oops, i mean Apple's Gazette ••• A Sophisticated Periodical with Panache and a Sense of Humor


by ™Korifaeus


IF……. ……….. my Husband needs me to be Strong and Courageous to speak up, so that his Beautiful Light will not ever extinguish, rather shine brightly in the Sky, to guide, inspire and prevent Harm to others, I WILL

IF…….it had been possible for a Nurse to take his blood at our home, as the first Physician we consulted with assured he can make happen, the way Mount Sinai advertises itself with having concierge Mount Sinai Doctors  come to the home of patients, taking CRP and cultures, Barry could have had a chance, because if there had been an infection, it would have been seen, and able to’ve been treated.

Had the E.R. at Lenox Hill taken Barry’s CRP, as one expected they did to assure no inflammation or infection, the raised CRP of 200 would have been seen, IF he had an infection then, or Inflammation ( nerve/Rheumatoid Arthritis attack) , after which Blood Cultures ( Bacterial and Fungal) would have been checked, and treated if positiv, then my Barry could have had a chance.

Had Lenox Hill E.R. been clean to the highest standard, as expected of any and all Medical Facilities who are only insured for liability when Sanitary conditions are according to the Rules and Regulations, instead of being filthy with sticky floors, dirty corners and sides of walls, hidden dust atop shelves and coming outside Central Air vents and AirConditioners, along with fluffy white things, to assure patients breathe the cleanest air possible, avoiding respiratory challenges or infections of the Bronchial and/or lungs, then my Barry could have had a chance. 

Had Lenox Hill hospital provided Barry with a clean mattress according to the Sanitary standards Medical facilities are expected to adhere to, and a clean sanitary linen, as well as provided healthy, nourishing food, instead of an non-toasted, over-yeasted bread with some turkey thrown uncaringly on it, called a sandwich, while staying overnight for observation in a room with another patient in the room suffering dementia, screaming loudly at the top of his lungs, with the room smelling of urine, and a bathroom/toilet appearing to belong behind a gas station, as to sanitary standards,  instead of a hospital, then my Barry could have had a chance, because he would not have had the immense urge and anxiety, to leave the hospital ASAP, after spending 17 hours in the E.R. with attending Physicians so stressed out, forgetting to place the orders into the computer, so the patient receives the treatment,  pain medication


Had the Gastroenterologist taken a CRP, to assure no inflammation/infection is in the body, after cat scan and blood analyst reports of Lenox Hill E.R. showed Low Sodium of 126, my Barry could have had a chance.

Had the Cardiologist we saw, after seeing the Gastroenterologist for Barry’s constipation, suggested to have ASAP Barry’s blood cultures ( Bacterial and Fungal ) tested after the CRP i urged her to take resulted in 200, instead of suggesting to take a cat scan in “two weeks”, to look for “something”, but “ not knowing what she’d be looking for “ ,stating not much will change in two weeks, then my Barry could have had a chance. 

Had the Internist we saw after the Cardiologist, to take a full Blood test, suggested to take cultures ( Bacterial and Fungal ) after the CRP showed 200, to assure no inflammation/infection, instead of suggesting an MRI of the lower back to get a better view of what the Cat-scan may not be able to show, then my Barry could have had a chance. 

Had the nurses not prohibited Barry from drinking fluids/water and his sodium chloride water, prescribed 3 times a day, every 8 hours, when we got an admission and private room for Barry at Mount Sinai West, to have an MRI and his sodium observed; hence able to stay hydrated from circa 4pm, when we arrived, until 9 pm when the Doctors ordered Anti-biotics IV and a full aspirin, when they got the results of Sepsis and Pneumonia  back, after which Barry felt nauseous for the first time, and began getting pale instantly with his blood pressure falling to 33/40, unable to feel his tongue which turned cool and pale, the doctors on sudden high alert admitting him to the critical care ICU, due to an obviously apparent Hypovolemic shock, then, if Barry had been allowed to drink fluids, water, my Barry could have had a chance

Had the Doctors known of his recovery from slight Anemia and know that Tylenol, Advil and Aspirin should be avoided with Anemia, to avoid any adverse reactions, then my Barry could have had a chance.


Had the ICU room of Mount Sinai West been sanitary, the food edible, and the Hospital staff, including Nurses and Physicians, professional, instead of causing Barry anxiety and unnecessary stress due to horrific bed side manners, atrocious actions, hectics and unacceptable nuisance inside his ICU room, then my Barry could have had a chance. 

Had the nurses at Mount Sinai West and East been able to puncture Barry’s very good veins, successfully with each attempt, instead of causing too many injuries to veins and capillaries by re-puncturing and placing too many IV Fluids on one vein, resulting in fluid retention in the arms, with the constant automatic blood pressure check, placed right above the inner elbow IV, compressing arteries and veins, as well, then my Barry could have had a chance.

Had the nurses at the ICU at Mount Sinai East, as well as the ICU Doctors,  not made such an uproar as though to prevent Barry from getting a second opinion at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital, with his cultures already having come back negative and doing well, and received the care and treatment from the nurses as ordered by the Surgeon, then he would have been transferred earlier in good condition and my Barry could have had a chance 

Had the nurse and Doctors believed me that Barry has had adverse reactions to Tylenol, Advil and Aspirin, due to being slightly anemic, and instead look at what is causing his sudden raised temperature with his nose  red and hot, while having been made aware of his post-nasal drip,  that may have been the cause of aspiration pneumonia, and swap the inside of his nose, check the sinuses, where a lot of dried green mucus came out when blowing his nose, then Barry would not have suffered an adverse reactions with the ICU doctors suddenly placing IV’s into arteries, giving him Dopamim to increase his blood pressure and stronger oxygen, after taking an X-ray that showed fluid in the longs, because he did not have sufficient out-of-bed movement, nor nurses clearing his bronchial with inhalers, as ordered previously but not performed, then my Barry could have had a chance


Had the Resident Doctor at Columbia Presbyterian main Cardiac ICU adhered two my wish of allowing me to tell Barry that surgery is out of the question and that the situation looks “challenging” so to allow my husband to keep the light of his strong energy and willpower, instead of giving him a shock when he was very apparently recovering very well, after we arrived from the transfer, with all his fingernails and toenails pink again, then my Barry could have had a chance 

Had the 911 sent an EMS person from Columbia Presbyterian EMS teams to the ICU room at Columbia from where I called,  to bring a Bronchodilator to clear Barry’s mucus, which began collecting in his bronchial from his post nasal drip, but not a strong enough cough to get the he sticky mucus out, after I resuscitated him when he had stoppt breathing/heart beating and the doctors standing by stating he has passed during mucus suction procedure, then my Barry could have had a chance.

They did not even know of Bronchodilators, at Columbia Presbyterian ICU, and it took hours until the nurse finally received the order.

Had all the Government/City Departments, paid for via al our Taxes, acted as they’re supposed to and have been created for, to protect people, and not allow constructions without permits, nor allow unsanitary and toxic environmental conditions inside private buildings whose hallways are accessed also by Postal workers, Public servants and deliveries, hence to protect them , as well, then my Barry’s immune system would have not been so stressed, due to fighting through all this havoc and he could have had a chance

Had perjurers making false claims and accusations not been allowed to continue harassing, intimidate and file false charges in a pre-emptive attempt to cover up their horrid, despicable and inexcusable actions, pointing fingers at the victims to try and avoid being evicted due to nuisance, harassment and intimidation, then my Barry could have had a chance. 


Had authorities acted in accordance to their profession and protected Lives and Property, arresting and persecuting criminals, instead of allowing criminals to vandalize properties, bossing legitimate owners around, harass and intimidate, refusing to fix leaks known as health hazards, causing great harm to health, leading us to move to a Hotel to survive, forced to leave all behind, only to find ourselves harassed at the hotel, intimidation continued by newly employed people, Police who never IDs and investigated according to protocol, with the computer card hotel room doors constantly causing glitches, being locked out, while dirty vents with overfilled filters continue blowing in public areas, even after being alerted as to the health hazard of the many unclean AC filters, then my Barry could have had a chance.

Had Barry said okay to fly to Germany, where I know the best Physicians in the cleanest Medical facilities, instead of fearing a 10 hour flight from L.A. to Frankfurt, fearing he’d catch corona on the plane, or 6 hour flight from NY, then my Barry could have had a chance.

I could go on opining as to what went wrong as I stay witness to 32 years trying to survive in America, as a German brought up throughout Europe, with the most beautiful human being on earth, my Barry. The most magical man who sought nothing but to be free, live free, express himself freely to experience LIFE to the fullest as should be every ones right, and do all of what one’s passion craves to experience, create and accomplish. 

A man let down by the country he served honorably, a veteran, playing Clarinet and Saxophone in the third Army band during his Army tenure from 1952 to 1954 after graduating from Brandeis University with a B.A. in Anthropology. A Scholar, too. Latin and Greek, a Graduate of Boston Latin School

A man let down by his colleagues, peers, his Union, SAG , Screen Actors Guild, and AFTRA, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists; When Corona struck the Elder, most vulnerable Union Members’ Insurance coverage was stopped, causing enormous stress during the height of the Covid Pandemic, to find new insurance coverage.

A man, like many elderly, who served their country, always paid their taxes, always served their community, always lived upright and by the book in an exemplary manner, never succumbed to greed, vulgarities nor false vanity, and one of the generation that contributed  to the success the USA once believed to have been – a land of hope for the persecuted = THAT is what Barry’s generation believed, fought and worked for. 

A man like no other because of the courage Barry had to be himself

The courage to be his authentic self, not allowing others to project someone else on him, he’d try to become, rather the man he IS, not from the outside in, but living from the inside out, to feel, experience and express all that’s inside


Original, witty, caring, musical, hilarious, charismatic, full of the most incredibly powerful energy and strength, discipline and self-control to have the courage to be a child at heart, pure in thought and free to dream, imagine and make these dreams come true for oneself and others.


so unselfish, so Generous

while yet so very modest in life style and needs

A man who never cared for material wealth,

able to find the most joy in simplicity;

A man able to experience sheer happiness just sitting in the sun on a bench, listening and communicating with the chirping and whistling birds.

Peter Pan, if ever there was one.

A real Child in a grown man’s body

The child Barry never left behind, and kept trying to hold on to, to always be able to enjoy simplicity

The childlike quality, a quality of innocence, pureness, simple joys and spirit of exploring, discovering, imagining, original creativity, humor and heart felt laughter, is what Barry admired and enjoyed most in the friends he had since childhood, schooldays and Army days, keeping them connected

He’d always try to help others to find themselves, encourage their passions, to become what they can see they can be.

The world was ripped from underneath my feet, as well as many, after having endured more than I can even fathom as to what we had to go through the past 32 years, when the outside world began infiltrating into our private world, with way too much time spent to fight off the outside world that appeared to have lost it’s grips on reality, unable to reason, smell and see the most obvious causing the hazards that have become a threat of life to most everyone now


Filthy Minds

Filthy Mouths 

Filthy Homes

Filthy Kitchens

Filthy Restaurants

Filthy Governments

Filthy Doctor’s Offices 

Filthy Medical Tools

Filthy Hospitals


The Toilet at the Funeral Home was cleaner than the ICU room at Mount Sinai West and Columbia Presbyterian

My WORLD was taken from me and a great friend taken from his Friends, what could anyone scare me with now, so not to speak up and tell the truth with photos and video footage to prove every single point I made, already distributed to all the proper authorities World Wide, and not denied, but addressed as a pivotally important matter for the benefit of everyone’s loved one, child, parent and grandparent.

I can not be intimidated to not speak up and tell the truth 

If …….unable to guarantee Sanitary Conditions, how will a Hospital, a Physician, a  Surgeon, a Nurse be able performing their profession to the highest Standard ? 

And if these most important standards appear to be overlooked and/or willfully ignored, instead of insisting on 100%Sanitary conditions and safety for their Patients, to assure the best recovery. 

But Surgeons aren’t speaking up, insisting on SANITARY Conditions. 

Why ?

Are they too busy running from one Operating Table to the other, unable to see the dirt on the side of walls and in corners, the dust and white fluff  in the vents of hospital rooms and bathrooms, or the nurses they’ve never seen before nor checking if they do perform their job accordingly following the Surgeon’s orders of treatment ?

Perhaps, if attention was paid more to what is making all of us sick, and try avoiding it by keeping everything clean and to the 

highest Sanitary Standard,  the Doctors, Surgeons and Nurses wouldn’t be so busy, with less people getting sick, and won’t overlook pivotal matters of the overall environment a patient is treated in.

– AngelaG.Newman aka Leagan E. Kasper, aka Lucca Malaki

Der 19te Mai, 2023 ©™KorifaeusEntertainmentSEP711

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